Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Open Letter to LeBron James

June 16, 2015

I have followed you since you were in high school. I have been a huge fan and followed you as though you were one of my sons. Everyone who knows me, knows that I have always been a staunch supporter, even through the debacle of "The Decision" to your return to Cleveland. One of the main reasons I have always admired you was because of the way you carried yourself on and off the court.

Since you have been in the league, I have never seen or heard any negative press, outside of your haters, of off-court issues or otherwise. I was happy for you when you returned to Cleveland and it appeared a team was being assembled around you that would help you realize your dream of bringing a championship to the city of Cleveland. I have watched you lead this team through the regular season and through the playoffs to the NBA Finals, despite all of the adversity and obstacles faced this NBA season.

I marveled at how you have willed yourself and the team to today, facing elimination as the Golden State Warriors now have a 3-2 lead in the series. In spite of all of that, I would not be surprised if somehow, miraculously, you pulled off the upset of the century in winning the NBA Finals.

But when I heard you utter out of your mouth that you were the greatest player in the world, I was never so disappointed. For as much as I admired you for how you carried yourself on and off the court, I admired you even more for your humility and how you always put team before yourself. You were a team player and involved them and was criticized because you were not an egotistical and selfish superstar.

Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. When you uttered those words, your countenance was even different. You looked ugly because that wasn't the LeBron I knew and it was an ugly thing to say. I don't know who you're listening to or who's filling your head with this ugliness but I'm begging you, please don't change into this ugly person. It's so not like you and so unbecoming. It is not a good look for you or a good road to start traveling.

We know how great you are as a player but let others tell you how great you are. When they do, don't let it go to your head because that's when you lose me and I don't think I'll be alone. I have raised two sons. One is a marketing analyst for a major bank and an Apple employee. The other is a corporate attorney for a global law firm in Manhattan. If I taught them nothing else, I taught them humility and not to be a braggart or conceited because humility is where true success lies. I'm pleased to look at the men they have become and happy to say that I'm their mother.

I felt compelled to write you this letter, although you probably will never see it. I just pray that someone can get to you before you undo all the things you've done thus far to make you one of the greatest players in the NBA. It would be giving your haters exactly what they've wanted, Before it was baseless, but now you're playing right into their hands. Don't do it. Play the game you love the way you always did before this ugly spirit consumes you.

Friday, June 21, 2013


The Miami Heat have won back to back NBA titles and I couldn't be happier for LeBron  James. I have followed this young man since high school and am a big supporter of him. He loves playing basketball and as great as is, he's always working on his game in his quest to be the best NBA player of all time. He certainly is unique in that he can play and guard every position skillfully and effectively.

I have yet to understand the vitriol towards this young man and the common reason of his haters is "The Decision" production when he departed Cleveland in 2010. Even if that was a blunder on LeBron's part, is the man not entitled to make a mistake? How soon we forget the rash decisions and foolish mistakes we made in our youth but are so quick to cast a stone at LeBron. 

I think he has carried himself well since entering the NBA and has had no off-court issues but has given back to the community and reached out to at-risk youth. He's been a father to his sons and  now is about to marry their mother. 

He is the face of the league and is personable, likable and knowledgeable of the history of his sport. He has put in the time and hard work to bring him to where he is in solidifying his place in the annals of the game. 

Congratulations, LeBron on winning your 4th league MVP, 2nd NBA championship and  2nd MVP of the NBA  Finals. Keep doing what you do best and ignore the rest.